If you love rich and fluffy bread, you will love this brioche bread! It’s good for sandwiches, grilled cheese and of course, french toast!
I wish I make this bread by hand but my answer is NO.
This is quit wet dough. Kneading with this amount of butter becomes so sticky and messy, and takes really long time to make.
I admire the people who can make it by hand but it’s not for me. So I use stand mixer or bread maker to take care of dough for me. It really saves your time! Still homemade, right?

Brioche Bread Recipe – ブリオッシュ ブレッドの作り方
- Stand Mixer or Bread machine
- 1lb loaf pan
- 1/2 cup(120ml) Warm milk
- 2 tbsp(30g) Sugar
- 1 tsp Active dry yeast
- 3 Large Egg (2 whole egg and 1 egg yolk for dough, 1 egg white plus 1 tsp Milk for egg glaze)
- 2 1/2 cup(300g) Bread Flour
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1/3 cup(75g) Unsalted butter
- 温めた牛乳 1/2 カップ (120ml)
- 砂糖 大さじ 2 (30g)
- ドライイースト 小さじ 1
- 卵 Lサイズ 3個 (全卵2つと卵黄1つは生地に、卵白一つ牛乳小さじ1と混ぜては艶出し用)
- 強力粉 300g
- 塩 小さじ 1/2
- バター 75g
- In a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment, add the milk, yeast and sugar and whisk gently to combine. Set aside for 10 minutes to allow the yeast to activate.スタンドミキサーにドウフックをつけて、牛乳、イーストと砂糖を入れてかきまぜ10分ほど放置します。
- Add the eggs and yolks, and break the egg yolks, then add the flour and salt.全卵2個と卵黄一つを入れ軽くかき混ぜ、続いて小麦粉と塩を入れます。
- Mix on slow speed until well combined for 3 to 4 minutes, then gradually increase to medium speed and mix for another 10 to 13 minutes until the dough pulls away cleanly from the side of the bowl.スローで3-4分混ぜ、ゆっくりと加速しミディアムで10-13分ボールから生地が綺麗に剥がれるまでこねます。
- Add in butter 1 tablespoon at a time while the mixer is running. Once it’s fully incorporated into the dough, add next one and repeat.Continue mixing on medium high speed for 5 to 10 minute, scrape down the sides of the bowl between kneading.Cover and leave for around one hour or until doubled in size.バターを大さじ1ずついれ、その度に混ざるまでこねます。完全に混ざったら次のバターをいれ同じ作業を繰り返します。バターが全部入ったら、さらに5-10分、途中ボールに着いた生地を集めながらミディアムでこねます。
- Lightly flour a work surface and punch down dough. Divide the dough into 3 same sized portions.台に打ち粉をし、記事を叩いて空気を出して3等分に分割します。
- Roll each out into long logs and braid the three pieces of bread together. Pinch ends to seal and tuck under, carefully transfer this to the lightly greased loaf pan. Cover and let dough rise until doubled, about 1 hour.記事をのばして棒状にして先端をくっつけて三つ編みにします。編み終わったところつまんでくっつけて下に織り込みます。油をぬったローフパンにいれ、カバーをして、生地が2倍になるまで発酵させます。
- Preheat oven to 350°F(176°C). In a small bowl, whisk together egg white and milk. Brush egg wash on top of loaf and sprinkle with sea salt.オーブンを176℃に温め、小さな器に卵白を牛乳又は水を入れ溶き、生地の上に塗り、塩を振りかけます。
- Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until deeply golden on top and the center of the loaf registers 190°F(87℃), up to 205F°(96℃). Tenting with foil if it becomes too dark.30-35分ほど表面が濃い茶色に焼け、中の温度が87℃−96℃になるまで焼きます。焼き色がつきすぎる場合は、最後の10分ほどアルミホイルを被せてください。
- Let cool completely on a cooling rack before slicing.クーリングラックでよく冷ましてからスライスして下さい。