German pancake, aka Dutch Baby Pancake is the easiest fluffy pancake that you will fall in love with. Just combine all the ingredients in the blender, pour and bake, that’s it!
If you don’t have a cast iron, don’t worry, you can use baking pan round or square.
Just make sure heat up the pan well before pour the batter to the pan.
You can make sweet or savory version and today I made sweet one. Quick berry sauce from frozen blueberry and maple syrup, finishing with Grand Marnier and pour over whipped cream, dust with powder sugar.

Dutch Baby Pancake(German Pancake) – ダッチベイビーパンケーキ
- 9 inch (23cm) Cake Pan
- 23cmのケーキ型
- 3 large Eggs room temperature
- 1/2 cup (120ml) Whole Milk room temperature
- 1/2 cup (60g) All-purpose Flour
- 1 tbsp Vanilla sugar or 1 tbsp regular sugar + 1tsp Vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp Cinnamon Powder
- 1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
- 3 tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 卵 L 3個 常温
- 牛乳 1/2カップ(120ml)
- 中力粉 1/2カップ(60g)
- バニラシュガー 大さじ 1 又はグラニュー糖大さじ1 とバニラエクストラクト小さじ1
- シナモンパウダー 小さじ 1/4
- 塩 小さじ 1/4
- 無塩バター 大さじ 3
- Preheat oven to 425˚F/218℃. Place cast iron or metal baking pan into the oven and let it preheat for 10 minutes.
- In the jar of a blender, combine eggs, milk, flour, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and salt, and blend on high speed for 30 seconds until all the ingredients are incorporated.
- Remove the pan from the oven and add butter to the pan, brush to coat bottom and sides of the pan.
- Pour batter to the pan and bake for 18-20 minutes until puffed and golden brown at the edges.
- Transfer the Dutch baby to a serving platter. Dust with powdered sugar. Cut into wedges and serve with maple syrup, jam or fruits. Serve while hot.
- オーブンを218℃に温めて、ケーキパンを入れて10分程温めておきます
- ブレンダーに卵、牛乳、小麦粉、バニラシュガー、シナモンパウダー、塩を入れて30秒ほど全てが混ざるまでブレンドします。
- 温めておいたケーキ型をオーブンから取り出し、バターを乗せて底と側面にしっかりハケでバターを塗ります。
- 生地を型に流し込んでオーブンで18-20分ほど膨らんで端に焼き色がつくまで焼き上げます。
- お皿に乗せてパウダーシュガーを振って新鮮なフルーツやクリーム、メープルシロップを乗せてお早めに召し上がれ。