Homemade Tortillas are so quick and easy! This soft, chewy tortillas taste much better than store bought! Once you try, you won’t buy it again from store.
This recipe makes eight 8 inches(20cm) tortillas. It’s perfect size to make breakfast burrito and enchilada. You can make smaller size for Taco, bigger size for regular burrito.
If you have left over, you can keep them in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. They will feel stiff though when they’re cold. So when you want to use it, just wrap them in a slightly damp paper towel and microwave for 10-20 seconds. They’ll be nice and soft again.
Easy Tortillas Recipe – 簡単トルティーヤの作り方
- 2 1/2 cup (300g) All purpose flour
- 1 tsp Baking powder
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 4 tbsp Lard, Shortening or Oil
- 3/4 cup (200ml) Hot water
- 中力粉 300g
- ベーキングパウダー 小さじ 1
- 塩 小さじ 1/2
- ラード、ショートニング又は植物油 大さじ 4
- お湯 200 ml
- Combine flour, BP and salt in a food processor. Add lard or oil of your choice and pulse until flour is evenly coated.フードプロセッサーに中力粉、ベーキングパウダー、塩入れて軽く混ぜます。お好みの油をいれて、油が均等に行き渡るまで混ぜます。*フードプロセッサーでなくても、ボールで同じように作れます。
- Add hot water and mix until the dough comes together.お湯加えて生地がひとまとまりになるまでかき混ぜます。
- Place on a lightly floured surface and knead a few minutes until dough become smooth and elastic. If the dough is sticky, gradually add a bit more flour.小麦粉を軽く打って生地を数分滑らかになるまでこねます。生地がベタつく場合は、少しずつ粉を加えて下さい。
- Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces, round the pieces into balls and rest, covered for 30 min.生地を8等分にし丸くまとめ、濡れ布巾をかけて30分程休ませます。
- Preheat an ungreased pan over medium high heat. Roll a dough ball into a round about 8" (20cm) with well floured rolling pin.フライパンに油をひかず中火で温めます。めん棒によく粉をふって生地を直径20cmに広げます
- Fry the tortilla in the hot ungreased pan for about 30-40 seconds on each side until golden.温めたフライパンに生地をのせ、両面30-40秒ほどずつ焼き色がつくまで焼きます。
- Place the cooked tortilla in a container, covers to keep the tortillas soft.焼き上がったトルティーヤを蓋をした容器に入れて残りの生地を同じように焼きます。