Leek and Potato Soup

Leek and Potato Soup – ポロネギとポテトのスープ

Leek and Potato

On a cold day, who doesn’t want to have warm thick soup?

French classic leek and potato soup is one of my favorite soup.

Sweet rich flavor from leeks and thick creamy texture from potato warm you up from your stomach.

Slowly sautéing the leeks is very important. That makes so sweet and flavorful.

You can use any potatoes but I prefer yukon gold potatoes which give you smooth texture.

For the broth, I use vegetable broth or chicken broth whichever I have.

Vegetable broth is quick and easy! Just throw the vegetables in a pan and sauté and simmer for 1 hour becoming a beautiful broth. If you are like me, you can correct kitchen scrap in the freezer bag and use it as well.

Vegetable Broth
Vegetable Broth

I like to add small croutons to this soup to have some texture.

Cut in a small cube and toss with salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried herb, then drizzle olive oil. Pop in the oven at 375℉(190℃)for 10 minutes and done. You can sauté on the stove top as well.

Making everything from scratch is fun. Creating my memory of one cold winter time.

Sometime you need to slow down to enjoy your life and feel the moment, or just to make one cup of soup.











Homemade croutons
Homemade croutons








Leek and Potato Soup

Leek and Potato Soup – ポロネギとポテトのスープ

One of the most comforting French classic, Creamy Leek and Potato Soup. 
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time1 hour 40 minutes
Course: Soup
Cuisine: French, フランス料理
Keyword: creamy, easy, leek, じゃがいも, 下仁田ネギ, 簡単レシピ
Servings: 6 people


  • 2 large Leeks (About 600-700g, white and light green parts only) roughly chopped
  • 4 tbsp (60g) Unsalted butter
  • 1Ib or (453g) Yukon gold potatoes peeled and roughly chopped
  • 4 cups(960ml) Chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1 cup Heavy cream
  • 2 tsp Kosher salt
  • 1 tsp White pepper


  • ポロネギ又は下仁田ネギ 600-700g (白と薄緑の部分のみ) 粗みじんぎり
  • 無塩バター 60g
  • イエローポテト(メークイーン) 453g 皮を剥いてざく切り
  • スープストック又はコンソメを溶かした水 960ml
  • 牛乳 120ml
  • 生クリーム 240ml
  • 小さじ2
  • 白胡椒 小さじ1


  • Melt the butter over medium heat in a large pot. Add the leeks and cook for about 30 minutes stirring regularly until soft and wilted.
  • Add the potatoes and cook for 1 minutes. Add broth, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to mid-low. Simmer for 20 minutes or until the potatoes are folk tender soft.
  • Turn off the heat and purée the soup with immersion blender until smooth.
  • Add the Milk and heavy cream and bring to a boil. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.


  • 大きめの鍋に中火でバターを溶かして、刻んだポロネギを入れます。水分がなくなるまで30分ほどかき混ぜながらゆっくり炒めます。
  • じゃがいもを入れて1分ほど炒めてからストックと塩胡椒を入れ、ひと煮立ちしたら中弱火にして20分ほどジャガイモがフォ-クで潰れるくらい柔らかくなるまで煮込みます。
  • 火を止めてからハンドブレンダーで滑らかになるまでピューレにします。
  • 牛乳、生クリームを入れてひと煮立ちしたら火を止めて塩胡椒で味を整えます。


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