Mango Sticky Rice

Mango Sticky Rice (Kao Niew Mamuan)- マンゴースティッキーライス (カオニオ・マムアン)

Wat Phra That Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai

Mango Sticky Rice (Kao Niew Mamuang/ ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง) is authentic desert in Thailand and popular in other South East Asia countries as well.

This classic Thai dessert made with sweet glutinous rice (sticky rice), fresh mango and slightly sweet and salty coconut milk. You can find this desert everywhere in Thailand such as street food($1-2) and restaurant($4-5).

I know it sounds strange to you. It was for me, too. But once you try, you will be addicted to this strange texture of chewy sticky rice, sweet mangoes and slightly salty sauce. What a beautiful combination!

The color of my sticky rice comes from Butterfly pea flower. You can drink as tea or use it for natural food coloring. If you drop lime juice or any acidity, the color will change to purple.

Wat Arun in Bangkok

タイの屋台では必ず見かける人気のデザート、マンゴースティッキーライス (カオニオ・マムアン)をのレシピを紹介します。



 私も最初はご飯がデザート?ってかなり抵抗がありましたが、よく考えたら日本にもおはぎとかありますよね?私はあまりおはぎは得意ではありませんが…. でもこのデザートははまります。




Mango Sticky Rice Recipe- マンゴースティッキーライスレシピ

Mango Sticky Rice is authentic desert in Thailand and popular in other South East Asia countries.
タイの屋台では必ず見かける人気のデザート, カオニオ・マムアンをのレシピを紹介します。
Prep Time2 hours
Cook Time1 hour
Total Time3 hours
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Thai
Keyword: coconut milk
Servings: 4


  • 1-2 Mango

Coconut Sticky Rice

  • 1 cup Glutinous white rice
  • 2/3 cup Coconut milk
  • 4 Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt

Coconut Sauce

  • 1/2 cup Coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Rice Flour or Corn Starch Dissolved in 1 tbsp water
  • 1/4 tsp Salt


  • マンゴー 1-2個


  • タイのもち米 1 カップ
  • ココナッツミルク 2/3 カップ
  • 砂糖 大さじ4
  • 小さじ1/2


  • ココナッツミルク 1/2 カップ
  • 砂糖 小さじ
  • 米粉又はコーンスターチ 小さじ1 水大さじ1に溶かしておきます。
  • 小さじ1/4


How to make Coconut rice

  • Rinse the rice in cold water 4-5 times until water become clear. Soak the rice in water for at least 2 hour to overnight.
    Drain the rice then place in steamer for 25-30 minutes.
  • Just before the rice is ready, put the coconut milk, sugar and salt in a pot.
    Cook with low heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • When the rice is ready, put them in a ball and immediately pour the coconut milk over the rice. Mix well until coconut milk is evenly distributed.
    Cover and let sit for 20 minutes or until coconut milk is absorbed
  • After 20 minutes, stir the rice again and keep covered at room temperature until ready to serve.

How to make Coconut Sauce

  • In a small pot, add coconut milk, sugar, salt and rice flour slurry and cook over medium heat for 1 minute until sauce is thickened.
    Transfer sauce to a small bowl and let it cool.
  • To serve, spoon the rice on a plate, arrange sliced fresh mango on the rice. Then drizzle coconut sauce over the top.
    If you have sprinkle toasted split mung beans.



    • もち米を蒸す場合は…
    • もち米が炊き終わるころ、小鍋にココナッツミルク、砂糖、塩を入れ弱火で砂糖が溶けるまで温めます。
    • もち米が炊き上がったら、すぐにもち米にココナッツミルクをかけて全体に行きわたるようよく混ぜ、蓋をして20分程置きます。
    • 20分たってもち米がココナッツミルクをしっかり吸ったら、もう一度軽くかき混ぜます。


    • 小鍋にココナッツミルク、砂糖、塩、水で溶かした米粉(又は片栗粉やコーンスターチ)を入れ、中火でとろっと軽く煮立つまで温めます。
    • お皿にもち米と切ったマンゴーを添えて、ココナッツソースをかけて出来上がりです。

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