Hong Shao Rou

Red Braised Pork/Hong Shao Rou 中華風豚の角煮(紅焼肉)

Hong Shao Rou (Red cooked Pork) is Shanghai style braised pork belly.

Glistening red color is so beautiful. Red color comes from soy sauce and caramelized sugar.

Ingredient is so simple but this sweet and savory dish is full of flavor. It takes a little bit more time but the result is amazing.

You can add star anise or other spices but I like to keep it simple for this dish.

It’s perfect to serve it with rice or you can make bao ban as well.

Hong Shao Rou
Hong Shao Rou Bao Ban 豚の角煮のバオバン

上海の家庭料理の紅焼肉(ホンシャオロウ), 豚肉の醤油煮込みの作り方を紹介します。









Hong Shao Rou

Red Braised Pork/Hong Shao Rou 中華風豚の角煮(紅焼肉/ホンシャオロウ)

Shanghai style Sweet soy sauce flavored glistening fork tender braised pork belly. 上海風の赤く照りのある甘じょっぱい柔らか角煮の作り方を紹介します
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time1 hour 45 minutes
Resting time8 hours
Total Time10 hours
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Chinese, 中華料理
Keyword: braised, slow cook
Servings: 4 people


  • 2Ib (900g) Pork Belly or Pork shoulder cut into 1”(3cm) chunks
  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 2 tbsp Rock Sugar or Sugar
  • 1/4 cup Shaoxing Wine
  • 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 1 tsp Dark Soy Sauce
  • 2 cups(480ml) Water
  • 4 Garlic Clove
  • 3 slice Ginger
  • 2 Green part of Leek


  • 豚バラブロック 900g 3cmくらいの大きさに切る
  • 大さじ 2
  • 氷砂糖、又は砂糖 大さじ 2
  • 紹興酒 1/4 カップ
  • 醤油 大さじ2
  • ダークソイソース 小さじ 1
  • 2カップ(480ml)
  • にんにく 4片
  • 生姜 3スライス
  • ネギの青い部分 2本


  • To remove impurities, blanch the pork for couple minutes and drain the pork into colander and rinse with running water, set aside.
    Blanched Pork
  • Heat the oil over low heat and melt the sugar until it starts to bubble and becomes golden brown.
    Caramelized Sugar
  • Add the pork and fry for couple minutes until the pork is a light golden brown.
    Browned Pork Belly
  • Add Shaoxing wine and cook for about 1 minute, then add soy sauce, dark soy sauce and water.
    Add garlic, ginger, leek and bring the mixture to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for about 1 hour until pork is fork tender.
    Hong Shao Rou
  • Remove garlic, ginger and leek, let them cool at room temperature. Store in refrigerator over night.
    Hong Shao Rou
  • Take the pork out from refrigerator. Remove the fat from the top.
    Hong Shao Rou
  • Cook the pork over high heat about 30 minutes until the liquid has thickened like molasses. You can add honey if you like sweeter flavor.
    Hong Shao Rou


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