These thin pancakes(Mandarin pancake/Spring pancake) are usually used for wrapping roasted duck(peking duck), Char Siu or American-style Chinese dish , Moo Shu Pork.
This pancake is super light , chewier than french crepes. This crepe is perfect pairing with saucy tender meat and fresh veggies. You’ll enjoy this chewy texture every single bite.
If you try to get these crepes at the Asian grocery store, it’ll be quit expensive. But it’s pretty easy to make and the ingredients are so simple! Just flour, water and a little bit salt. Most likely you might have them already in your pantry.
It’s a little but different process than regular pancake/crepe or tortilla but when you pull apart pancakes after you cook, you’ll be amazed how thin they are and quite satisfying.
I steamed pancake this time as I prepared for Peking duck but you can cook them over ungreaced pan as well. I steam pancake when I cook for roasted duck for smooth look and texture, but I cook them over stove top when I need it for other family dishes. When you cook over skillet, heat a pan over medium-low heat, cook 1-2 minutes each side.
No need to trim the edges if you don’t care about looks as you won’t see it anyway when you wrap and eat them immediately.
Mandarin Pancakes – 北京ダックの皮, 薄餅(ポーピン)の作り方
- 160 g All Purpose or Bread Flour
- 90-100 ml Hot Water
- 1/6 tsp Salt
- 薄力粉又は強力粉 160 g どちらでも大丈夫ですが、強力粉の方がもちもちになります。
- お湯 90-100 ml 80℃くらい
- 塩 小さじ 1/6
- In am mixing bowl, mix flour and salt, slowly add hot water and stir with chopstick until combine. Cover and and let them sit for 15 minutes.
- Knead the dough for for 3-5 minutes by hand until it becomes smooth surface. (If you make bigger batch, you can use stand mixer) Let the dough rest for 1 hour.
- Flour and divide the dough into 16 equal pieces. Flatten the pieces, roll into 3-inch(8cm) rounds using rolling pin. Brush the oil on top of each piece and layer 8 pieces.
- Roll the dough into 7 inches(18cm) diameter. Place it on a plate, steam it for 15 minutes.
- While the pancake is still hot, gently separate the pancakes.
- ボールに小麦粉と塩を入れて軽くかき混ぜます。お箸でかき混ぜながら、熱湯を少しづつ注ぎで水分が行き渡ってまとまるまでかき混ぜます。蓋をして15分ほど水分を馴染ませます。
- 台に生地を取り出して、3-5分ほど表面が滑らかになるまで捏ねます。
- 生地を16等分に分けて、丸く平らにし、綿棒を使って8cmくらいに丸く広げます。生地の上にたっぷり油を塗って、8個の生地を重ねます。
- 綿棒で8個の生地を一緒に18cmくらいの円に伸ばします。お皿に乗せて蒸し器で15分ほど蒸します。
- 蒸し終わったら、まだ熱いうちに生地を離して、4つ折りにしてお皿に盛り付けて出来上がりです。